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The other common approach to allergy treatment is desensitization, usually in the form of allergy shots. Allergy shots deliver small amounts of the person's allergens into the body on a regular basis. The concept here is that over time the body will grow accustomed to the allergen and stop reacting as strongly to it. Basically, the idea is that the body will get "tired" of producing an immune response to the allergen if it encounters it often enough. Allergy shots are effective at eliminating allergies in many cases, but it is a slow process. There is a new way of desensitizing the body to allergens that is much faster and does not require injections, as we'll discuss shortly.
Before I go into this new kind of allergy treatment, you'll need to have some background information. This treatment is based on the energy field of the human body and it uses a technique called muscle testing to evaluate fluctuations in that energy field. Acupuncture is a system of healing that has been around thousands of years. It is based on the flow and interaction of subtle forms of energy in the body. While this is still a new concept in Western medicine, energy healing is widely accepted in many parts of the world. Medical doctors often dismiss outright the concept of an energy field around the body, yet the existence of this field is easily demonstrated, as anyone who is "muscle-tested" will experience.
You may have heard of homeopathy. Like acupuncture, it too is based on energy fields, both in the body, as well as in substances and organisms that can interact with the body. In essence, homeopathic remedies are energy "signatures" of substances not the actual substances themselves. Just as you can store electronic information on a computer disc, energy signatures can be imprinted on purified water and other substances. Those stored energy signatures can then be used to treat the body.
As mentioned above, the existence of the human energy field is easily demonstrated. One of the simplest and yet most effective means of assessing the flow of energy around and within the body is something called muscle testing. Every muscle in your body is controlled by nerves, which transmit electrical signals. If the body's energy field is disrupted, the electrical signals of the nerves are interfered with, and so the muscles cannot function at full capacity. It's sort of like a light on a dimmer switch. When the power to the light is flowing at full capacity, the light is bright. When the flow of electricity is interfered with (by means of the components of the dimmer switch), the light dims. If the nerve signals to your muscles are "dimmed", the muscle appears weak. In muscle testing, we assess energy pathways by touching points on the body or by contacting the body with a substance to check the body's reactivity to it. Although any muscle in the body can be used for testing, one of the most popular tests uses the deltoid muscles. Essentially, the person being tested holds his or her arm straight out to the side at shoulder level and the tester pushes down on the arm at the wrist or forearm. When an energy reaction occurs, the person being tested will be unable to resist the downward push from the tester where they had been able to easily resist before.
There are many critics of muscle testing who claim that it is a hoax. I used to think that myself. Certainly there are ways to "cheat" the test to make it show what you want it to show. All of these tricks are easily detectable if you pay attention to what's happening. Among the more common tricks to produce a weak response when the tester wants it are: the tester pushes harder or faster, the tester lifts up on the arm (triggering muscle relaxation) prior to pushing down, or the tester changes the angle, or shifts the leverage of the push. I myself have witnessed a lot of muscle testing where the outcome was controlled by the tester. Such experiences led me to conclude that muscle testing was a bunch of garbage. A few years ago, I attended a seminar that changed my mind. I came to understand the proper way to do muscle testing. After that, I came to find that muscle testing was a valuable tool for assessing the body.
Allergy and Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique (ASERT)is the newest method of dealing with allergy problems in the body. This is a method that uses muscle testing and homeopathic substances to evaluate the body and then uses a form of acupuncture point stimulation to reduce the body's sensitivities to allergens. This is a relatively new technique that is an updated version of an older, but more widely-used method called NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Ellimination Technique).
NAET was discovered accidentally by an acupuncturist and chiropractor named Devi Nambudripad. She herself suffered from numerous allergies and food sensitivities and she had a very restrictive diet because of her multiple food sensitivities. The story goes that one day she was fixing food for her husband and absent-mindedly ate a piece of carrot, which she was highly allergic to. Immediately, she started to have an allergic reaction and she decided to ride it out using some acupuncture to help her through it more easily. She placed acupuncture needles to stimulate all of the energy channels in the body and laid down to rest. When she awoke, she felt unusually good and noticed that in her haste, she had not washer her hands and still had some carrot on her skin. On a hunch, she ate a bite of carrot and found she did not react to it as before. She then tried using the same procedure for other foods she was allergic to and discovered that the acupuncture stimulation eliminated those reactions as well. From there the method has grown and there are various modifications and offshoots of it, including ASERT, the technique I use.
With ASERT, I use muscle testing to test for reactions to various allergens and then desensitize the body to any allergens I find using laser acupuncture. The laser is particularly good for this technique because it is completely noninvasive and painless and can go right through most clothing, negating the need for the patient to disrobe. In using this technique the last few years, I have discovered some additional tricks to make it even more effective. For most cases, significant reduction in all types of allergies and sensitivities can be achieved in 1 to 10 visits. This treatment is long lasting (it usually "holds" for at least several months) and is often permanent. A few interfering factors can come into play with the effects of treatment, such as heavy metal toxicity or particularly heavy exposure to the desensitized allergens, but these are rare.
Both ASERT and NAET are remarkably effective, if a bit hard to believe at first. They are gaining popularity and practitioners of these techniques can usually be located in most major cities.