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The two basic elements in post and beam construction, as its own name proves are the post, which is an element that works at linear compression and is subject to crushing by vertical forces, and the beam which is basically a linear element subject to a transverse load. The beams must generate internal resistance to prevent excessive deflection. The structure of posts and beams requires the use of a secondary structural filler system to produce the surfaces of walls, floors, and ceilings.
The post and beam construction is an architectural design in which the structure is formed by post and beam forming porticos (although without continuity in the knots) quite spaced between them and united horizontally by belts.
With this system of post and beam construction, it is possible to create networks of poles separated from each other achieving open spaces that can be molded and can use elements of prefabricated enclosures. This system can be used for both one-level and two-level constructions as well as for major constructions of three or more floors.
The master structure of post and beam type is constituted by main pieces of a strong section with an important distance between the poles, which distinguishes it from the trusses and the frames. In larger buildings, a distance between poles can reach 25 feet and 16 feet between porticos. The materials mainly used in this type of structures are usually solid wood or many times (using modern techniques) may use laminated wood.
The post and beam construction system was originally designed to withstand uniform and relatively low weight load. When concentrated and relatively high weight loads are present it must be reinforced below to convey the loads to the beams.
In addition to being a functional structure, it is also decorative so you should take care of the finishes as the post and beam will be in sight of people. On the other hand, it is difficult to hide the electrical and water installations in the ceilings of this type of structures, since, because they are solid materials, they do not have empty inner spaces, which forces them to install these services properly. For that, it is indispensable to have a design from the beginning.
As wood is the main building material in this type of structure, it is important to note that among the main limitations that are presented such as shape and size can be overcome by laminating and using adhesives. On the other hand, the dangers of the wood structure spreading fire, rotting, or being infested by insects can be retarded and even eliminated with the use of chemical impregnations specially made for those purposes.
In conclusion, we can assert that the system of post and beam construction as well as being a functional structure, contributes an excellent decorative element to the design of walls and ceilings If the finishes of the wood are properly made, giving a rustic appearance to the room.