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The "Cons" of the Professional Credit Repair Software
1. Pricing - the first and foremost thing that hits you when considering this professional credit repair software is the expense. More often than not the software designed for professionals carries a high price tag. Added to the cost is the time and money - necessary to acquire the skills to use the software. Everything considered, this involves a huge outlay for most any credit repair agency.
2. Can't be fully customized - computers can process information at lightning speeds, but they do not possess the intelligence that humans do, nor are they, like humans, adaptable. What a human can grasp in an instant, even top-of-the-line credit software would need hours and hours of programming to do the same. Plus, the customization of the software for a given situation will still be dependent upon the flexibility of the person who uses it.
3. Task oriented - your objective is credit repair. But credit repair software is oriented toward accomplishment of tasks, regardless of results. It will be up to you - the credit repair company - to see that the tasks performed by the software are directed toward accomplishment of your goal. The final outcome depends upon how well you have set up the tasks in the program. And so, unless you really know what you're doing, you will not be able to use this tool optimally.
What Are the Advantages?
1. One Payment - while it's true that the software comes with a high price tag, this is in some - but not all - cases a one time payment. Once you have paid for it, you'll never have to make additional payments. When you master the use of the software, it will be an invaluable tool for the professional. As you utilize it more and more you'll be using it to even better advantage, and eventually it will more than pay for itself.
2. Simplify your work - as stated before, the credit repair software is task oriented. This means that the credit repair process will be broken into a number of less cumbersome jobs. In addition it will log which task is completed and which needs to be pursued. In essence, it is a kind of electronic assistance, improving efficiency and making your job sooooo much easier!
3. Boosts productivity - using the professional credit repair software will boost your ability to stay organized and reduces follow-up time, thereby bolstering efficiency. And when this occurs you will be able to take on more customers and resolve each case more quickly and often with better results. This means you can complete more tasks over a given time period, which in turn means higher profits!
In conclusion credit repair software has its pros and cons. Whether you choose to use it is a matter of comparing the advantages and disadvantages and determining whether it's a wise choice for your business.