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However, you can't deny the importance of packing a backpack in a proper way. You need to use your common sense and a bit of experience as well.
When it comes to backpacking, there is a right way to pack your bag. Some of the rules may be flexible, but it will depend on more your individual needs. There are some general rules of thumb that you need to keep in mind.
Before I go into more details, I would like to share the backpack model I use mostly. This is 5.11 tactical rush 24 which is a medium sized tactical backpack. Also, made of nylon that makes this piece durable and sturdy. This backpack was made to pack all you need for a two-day trip, but I believe with space it has, an occasional traveler like me can pack everything needed up to five days.
When you are searching for the best backpack among many available in the market, you need to spend few hours on researching in order to find a top notch pack. I recommend you to have a look at these top 10 recommendations that make the life easy for you.
Let's now discuss how to pack your backpack in order to maximize every single inch of it.
The Bottom Of Your Bag
The bottom will usually be reserved for the items that you may not need right away. When packing a bag, it is a good idea to reserve the space for items like the sleeping bag, tent, any gear that will be put on once you make it to camp, etc. Many hiking packs will have an area at the bottom portion of the bag where you can keep the sleeping bag. It is also a good idea to maintain the sleeping bag separate from the heavy gear, simply because compressing some of the bags can lead to damage and a loss of warmth.
There are some packs that will have a special bottom compartment that is designed to carry your shelter or tent, which can be very helpful when you are out during inclement weather. The very last thing you want in a rainstorm is to have to unpack the whole back to get to your tent.
The Middle Of Your Bag
Your heaviest gear needs to be close to your back and you should have it packed along the middle of the backpack, right around your belt line. Packing your gear in this area will help you to bring down the center of gravity, which will make it easier for you to walk in rougher terrain. This is a rule that you should never overlook, as unbalanced packs can cause you to fall while you are hiking along the steep terrain.
The Top Of Your Bag
At the top of your backpack should be the lighter items and any gear that you will need access to most. Reserve the upper part of your bag and the outer pockets for items like water filters and bottles, rain gear, sunscreen, snacks, insect repellent, and anything else that you will need to grab for often.
Be sure that you never overload the top of the bag, as this can cause you to be too top heavy, making hiking on rougher terrain more dangerous.
I always try to follow these when I pack my backpack. Hope it helps you someway too.