If you want to start remembering things without relying on electronic devices and improve your memory, then it is possible to learn some memorization techniques. It is possible to train yourself to remember names, phone numbers and more. Memorization techniques will teach you ways of storing information so that you don't have to write things down in order to remember them.
Memorization techniques utilize methods such as thinking in pictures, repeating information and creating songs or stories about the information. There are many memorization techniques available to help you remember things, but those just mentioned are a great way to begin.
Repetition - Repeating a number over and over, until you can get to a phone, or write it down is a technique that people often use already. What most people don't realize is that this memorization technique isn't limited to numbers, and can actually be used for any type of information.
Use it when meeting someone for the first time, repeatedly say their name in your head until it becomes stored in your memory. Any detail you want to remember can be helped by this method ' phone numbers, addresses, names ' just about anything. To ensure the detail/s are stored in your memory, just repeat them over and over until you're sure that they're ingrained.
Thinking In Pictures - Thinking in pictures is a great way to remember details, and it is the way that most people with photographic memories recall details. People might think of a candle to represent the number one, or when trying to remember the number five, they might think of a hand because a hand has five fingers. As a memorization technique, thinking in pictures is an effective way to remember details, and is especially useful for addresses and phone numbers.
Create A Story - Creating a story is a great memorization technique that can help you to recall difficult information. In order to remember these memorization techniques, you might imagine a man heading to the local store to pick up some bread. He keeps repeating the word bread in his mind, but when he reaches the store, he can't remember what aisle the bread is in. He shows one of the shop assistants a picture of bread, and then proceeds to tell them a story about the first loaf of bread ever made. Though this example doesn't contain any difficult information, this memorization technique can be used for difficult or hard to remember details, as it engages your brain, and therefore, your memory.